Night Shelters and Emergency Hostels
You may be able to find emergency accommodation in a hostel or night shelter if you’re single and homeless with nowhere to sleep tonight.
Telephone: 0808 800 4444
St Mungo’s
St Mungo’s is a charity and housing association working directly every day with people who are sleeping rough, in hostels and at risk of homelessness. From supporting people away from sleeping rough, through to helping them rebuild their lives and fulfil their ambitions, we’re here for every step of the journey away from homelessness.
Telephone: 020 3856 6000
Street Link
StreetLink is a website that enables the public to alert local authorities in England and Wales about people sleeping rough in their area. This service offers the public a means to act when they see someone sleeping rough, and is the first step someone can take to ensure rough sleepers are connected to the local services and support available to them.
Telephone: 0300 500 0914