Contact your doctors online
Fill out a simple online form to get advice and treatments by the end of the next working day.
Care at Home
Be prepared to care for yourself with a well-stocked medicine cabinet and plenty of rest
cough or cold upset stomach pain or headache cuts and grazes sore throat (but if for two weeks or more contact your GP)
For health advice,
For health advice,
Ask for advice on ailments, medicines and healthier living:
queries about medication, dosage, type or suitability plus urgent requests or if related to hospital discharge repeat prescription sore eyes (but if persists go to optician) runny nose diarrhoea bite or sting
Find a Pharmacy
Find a Pharmacy
GP Surgery
GP Practice
Consult online or use GP online services to make an appointment if an illness or injury won’t go away
repeat prescription such as for back ache, the pill, etc. urgent skin problem such as a rash that is spreading ear pain back ache
Additional evenings and weekend appointments bookable through your GP Practice
Online Consultation
Consult online or use GP online services to make an appointment if an illness or injury won’t go away
Additional evenings and weekend appointments bookable through your GP Practice
Online Consultation
NHS 111
Ask for advice on Call NHS 111
Call when situation is not life-threatening
If you think you need to go to hospital If you don’t know the most suitable place to go or call If you don’t have a GP to call or if your GP practice is closed If you need advice or reassurance about what to do
Available 24 hours a day, every day
NHS 111 Online
Call when situation is not life-threatening
Available 24 hours a day, every day
NHS 111 Online
Urgent Treatment Centre
Urgent Care or Walk-In Centre
Visit for same day, urgent, minor injuries or illness when your GP practice is unavailable:
such as sprains and suspected broken bones
When to visit a UTC
Visit for same day, urgent, minor injuries or illness when your GP practice is unavailable:
When to visit a UTC
Emergency department or call 999
Only for very serious or life-threatening situations.
If you are unsure, call NHS 111
Only for very serious or life-threatening situations.
If you are unsure, call NHS 111
You can visit our Self-Referral page for help with:
– Talking Therapies
– Antenatal Care
– Sexual Health Clinic
– Smoking Cessation
Self-Referral Information
– Talking Therapies
– Antenatal Care
– Sexual Health Clinic
– Smoking Cessation
Self-Referral Information
SystmOnline allow you to:
- Manage appointments
- Request repeat medication
- Update demographic details
- Message healthcare service
Quote / Testimonial: NHS Choices
“The staff at Gordon House are extremely professional, and you feel well cared for at all times”
Quote / Testimonial: NHS Choices
“Complex problems dealt with efficiently and with kindness over many years from the busy staff”